Your patients are taking melatonin. Do you know how to guide them?

Introducing the Melatonin Best Practices Masterclass

Melatonin is the 4th most popular supplement taken by adults in the US.

The melatonin supplement business is booming but studies in JAMA and The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine have shown that many OTC supplements are of poor quality. On top of that, most patients don't know how to use them properly and we physicians don't get enough training in using melatonin as a clinical tool. Learn how in this masterclass. 


Melatonin Best Practices MasterClass

Learn how to use melatonin supplements in your practice:

  • Take the guesswork out of guiding your patients on using melatonin 
  • Get guidance on good quality brands 
  • Learn how to use melatonin in different cases like older patients, jet lag, anxiety, etc. 
  • Understand strategies for appropriate dosing and timing of melatonin  
  • Know when to start - and when to stop - melatonin supplements

Let's get started!

In the Melatonin Best Practices Masterclass, you’ll learn how to use melatonin the right way in your practice.


👉 NOTE: This is one of the mini-trainings in The Clinical Sleep Kit (CSK) if you're in CSK, you have access to this masterclass already!

With the melatonin masterclass, you could…

  • Improve patient outcomes
  • Reduce trial and error
  • Stay current with sleep medicine 
  • Decrease adverse effects
  • Improve patient education

Practical information makes all the difference when you're seeing patients. We’ll cover it in the Melatonin Best Practices Masterclass. 


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With a simple shift in your mindset and some smart money practices, you could start living the life of your dreams.

What's Included In The Masterclass...


Misunderstood Melatonin

It's a hormone...and a supplement...and it affects sleep & inflammation. The role of melatonin is often misunderstood, leading to misconceptions about its efficacy, proper usage, and potential side effects. In this lesson you'll learn the:

  • Reasons to use melatonin in your practice
  • Its myriad functions
  • How it impacts the sleep-wake cycle and its relevance to your patients

Indications for Melatonin Supplements

Learn how to use melatonin supplements and what to do next when patients say, "Melatonin doesn't work for me."

  • Understand the indications for melatonin
  • Learn how it's used in different sleep disorders
  • Identify which of your patients would most benefit from supplementation

Melatonin Supplement Quality & Dosing

All supplements are not created equal. Dosing and quality are important when using melatonin. In this lesson you'll learn:

  • Common problems with melatonin supplements
  • How to choose a good quality supplement
  • Strategies for dosing and timing 

Bonus Materials

Plus these bonuses:

  • Melatonin Dosing Cheat Sheet
  • Melatonin Brand Guide 
  • Checking for drug-induced melatonin deficiencies
  • And more

This Masterclass Is For You If...

  • You're working with adult patients in the outpatient setting
  • You're a PCP, psychiatrist, sleep doctor, therapist, or other health professional
  • Your patients are taking melatonin and you're not sure how to guide them
  • You take a holistic approach to patient care and recognize the importance of sleep in overall health and wellbeing
  • You value patient education and aim to empower your patients with knowledge about supplements like melatonin

I'm Nishi Bhopal MD

ABPN Board Certified in Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine

After completing my sleep medicine fellowship at Harvard, I realized there was still so much more to learn about clinical sleep medicine. With over a decade of experience practicing outpatient psychiatry and sleep medicine, I've found effective ways to help my patients with sleep, whether they're struggling with insomnia, hypersomnia, or issues in between.

Sleep is the foundation of health. Patients who don't experience restorative sleep have a lower quality of life and higher burden of chronic disease, including mental health and medical issues. Since there's a global shortage of sleep specialists, every clinician needs to know how to treat sleep issues effectively. 

In this masterclass, I've put together high yield tips on melatonin to expand your clinical toolbox and help your patients achieve better sleep and overall wellness.

Here's to your sleep education!


Melatonin Best Practices Masterclass

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